2017 Consuelo Aguilar Run/Walk

Jan. 6, 2016
Event at UA Will Support Scholarship Fund, Promote Health AwarenessApril 15th  Run / Walk to Commemorate Life and Work of Consuelo I. Aguilar On Saturday, April 15th, a Run /Walk will take place starting at 7:30 am for registration at the University of Arizona Mall.  Funds raised will support the Consuelo I Aguilar Scholarship Fund, administered by the UA Department of Mexican American Studies (MAS).  Registration will open up at 7:30 am and there will be a series of commencing ceremonies, cancer and health awareness talks, award to the second Consuelo Aguilar Scholarship recipient and more.  The run will initiate at 9:00am sharp. Consuelo Aguilar passed away...