Double Major/Dual Degree with MAS


Undergraduate students pursuing a B.A. in MAS are encouraged to explore double major opportunities. Please see below the which programs have an agreement with MAS. If you have any questions about a program's requirement or how the courses will work with your schedule, please connect with the Major Advisor of the program you are inquiring about.

Looking for more information about the MAS Program?

Have any questions or looking for more information about the B.A. in MAS side of the Double Major, please contact our MAS advisor Vanessa DeCardenas (, or schedule an advising appointment.

Schedule Appointment

WHAT PROGRAM CAN I DOUBLE MAJOR WITH MAS? The programs below are degrees that have an active agreement with MAS that allow double dipping of credits and/or courses that will satisfy degree requirements.

Students who wish to pursue the MAS/GWS double major can double-dip up to 12 units (4 courses) from the following courses to satisfy requirements from both majors:

  • MAS/GWS 201 Introduction to Chicana/Latina Studies
  • MAS 307 Chicana Feminisms: History, Theory and Practice
  • MAS/GWS 365 Latinos & Latinas: Emerging Contemporary Issues
  • MAS/GWS 358 U.S. 3rd World Feminisms: Theory, History & Practice
  • MAS 415 Chicana/o Literary & Historical Recovery Projects
  • MAS/GWS 470 The Feminization of Migration: Global Perspectives
  • MAS/GWS 485 Mexican/Chicana Women's History

The student will still need to fulfill all the core and area distribution requirements for both majors.

Students who wish to pursue the MAS/RELI double major can double-dip up to 12 units (4 courses) from the following courses to satisfy requirements from both majors:

  • MAS160A1 American Indian Medicine and Wellness (for students matriculating at the University of Arizona in 2022 or later)
  • AIS/MAS/RELI 405 Traditional Indian Medicine: Health, Healing and Well Being
  • MAS/AIS/RELI 435 Mexican Traditional Medicine: An Overview of Indigenous Curing Cultures
  • RELI 302 Ellis Island, 9/11, and Border Walls: Religion and Immigration in the U.S. (soon to be crosslisted with MAS)

The student will still need to fulfill all the core and area distribution requirements for both majors.

WHAT PROGRAMS WORK WELL AS DUAL DEGREES? The following programs are degree programs that U of A students have combined that work well with the MAS degree requirements and the other programs' requirements:

  • Education
  • Foreign Affairs
  • History
  • Law and Public Policy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Spanish
  • Sociology
  • Thematic
  • Translation and Interpretation

If your primary program is not on the list above, connect with our Major Advisor, Vanessa, to draft a plan of study to see what courses can be double dipped, how your schedule will look or if there are concerns about adding a second major and how that will impact time to degree.