Antonio Estrada

Antonio "Tony" Estrada is a Professor of Mexican American Studies and Public Health, and has been with the MAS department since 1991. He received his master's and doctorate degrees in Public Health, graduating from the UCLA School of Public Health in 1986. His primary interests are in Hispanic health, focusing on health promotion and disease prevention within this population. Additionally, he is very interested in applied public health policy as it affects the health status and access to health care among Hispanics. He is the principal investigator of a five-year study, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), to develop, implement and assess a culturally innovative HIV/AIDS risk reduction program targeting Hispanic injection drug users and their female sexual partners in Tucson (One To One Program). He is also the principal investigator for another NIDA funded study on the U.S.-Mexico border, targeting Mexican-origin drug injectors for HIV/AIDS risk reduction (Por Nosotros). Dr. Estrada also teaches chronic disease epidemiology, Hispanic health, and applied research methods at the University of Arizona.