Rosi Andrade

Rosi Andrade, Ph.D. is a Research Professor with the Southwest Institute of Research on Women (SIROW) in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Arizona, and holds a Ph.D. in Reading with a minor in Chicana Literature. Dr. Andrade is interested in the social, cultural, and political experiences of Latinos. She has developed a specialty in expanding literacy experiences using participatory action research as a tool and means to personal development and social support. This approach has been carried out through a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded grant, Empowerment through Literacy,” a minority supplement to Dr. Sally Steven’s NIDA funded grant – “Women-Centered HIV Risk Reduction Research Study.” Dr. Andrade is the Principal Investigator/Project Director of two Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) funded HIVand STD prevention programs: Mujer Sana ~ Healthy Woman and HerStory to Health. Dr. Andrade is also co-founder (with comadre Elena Díaz Björkquist) of Sowing the Seeds/Cosechando las semillas: a writing collective promoting women’s writing, readings, and publication through the comadre relationship. Sowing the Seeds was established in 2000.